Why All of the Changes to LA Lindy Hop?

Sorry, please go to this story instead!!! – Brian

Although the site cosmetically doesn’t look that different from before, it’s totally different under the hood.  I moved the site to a content management system for several reasons:

  1. I wanted to streamline the front page.  It was getting too big.  It took too much scrolling to get to the calendar.  Now the site just shows excerpts instead of the full articles, which means less scrolling for you.
  2. It allows linking to, commenting on, and sharing of, individual articles instead of whole sections of the site.  This is huge.  Now people can comment on individual articles, or leave review of individual venues, etc.
  3. It will make it easier for me to enter new articles

In addition, there have been some updates I’ve wanted to do for a while:

  1. Replace the comment wall with one that allows promoters to post photos and fliers.
  2. Add categories for beginners and newcomers.  I get a good amount of email from newcomers wanting to know where to go, looking for rides, etc.
  3. Create a fully “responsive” site that works on mobile and desktop.  It’s not quite there yet, but the foundations are there.  (To see what I’m talking about, try re-sizing your browser window to be really narrow.  The site will re-format itself dynamically.)

After all of these changes, I am hoping that:

  1. More people will comment on the pages.  Please write a comment or review!
  2. There will be more stories that you are interested in.
  3. The site will get more shares on Facebook.
  4. More people will go swing dancing!!  That is the whole point of the site!

Anyway, thanks for your support, and let’s spread the word about swing dancing!  Let me know what you think on the comment wall below.  Anything I should add?  – Brian 12/6/2012

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