Disneyland Fantasy Faire

There is Swing dancing inside the park every Saturday night at Fantasy Faire! Sometimes there is dancing at Tomorrowland Terrace as well.

Here’s a look at the crowd:

There is a dedicated group of Swing dancing regulars with season passes that goes, so you can usually find people to dance with.

I recommend going in the late afternoon when it starts to cool down, get a Fast Pass, do a ride or two, go dancing for a while, grab dinner, then a ride, then back to dancing and fireworks.. Here are more of my Disneyland tips.

And don’t forget California Adventure.  There are special themed days (such as “Dapper Day”), when large numbers of Swing dancers dress up and go.  The band is usually the excellent Ellis Island Boys.

Before spending a lot of money or making a long drive, please check the Disney Resort Dance Band Schedule Facebook Page for the latest updates.  (My calendar cannot automatically read that page, so changes may not be reflected in my calendar).

You’ll need to buy Disneyland admission or a season pass to go to these events. I used to have a pass back when the no-blackout pass was only $450. Now, the highest-end passport is over $1000!  Too rich for my blood but I hear the stage is nice and overall it’s pretty cool. There’s usually a decent group of dancers for the more popular bands.

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6 years ago

Where can we swing dance at/near Disneyland on a Sunday night?

6 years ago

can you verify this is still happening in late August? we are here the 22 – leaving monday the 27th.
was not planning on Dland on Saturday (rest day) but this could change my mind