COME HEAR SOME OF THE BEST BIG BAND JAZZ IN ALL OF SoCAL WITH US AT CLUB 507 NEWHALL! This may be your only opportunity to see and hear this amazing, authentic Big Band all year! Take a ROAD TRIP if you need to, but get yourself out to NEWHALL for this incredible event!
Ladd McIntosh is bringing his BIG BAND back to CLUB 507 again with the BIG BAND FALL CONCERT SERIES — a set of Fall concert events honoring his decades of music — and his many personal arrangements — just for our community of lovers of big band jazz music! You’ll be amazed at the incredible musicians making up this decades’ old, authentic big band!
This Band’s performance on Wednesday, July 10th, was mesmerizing. The local paper, The Signal, came out to interview Ladd, and the members of Club 507 for a special in their online paper. (https://signalscv.com/2024/07/big-band-in-full-swing-at-local-club/?fbclid=IwY2xjawEgU_VleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHacrdqfdnVGJRY59Aqi6G31DF9nn1qpiMBzsFlXr5raKoSDvLioUrj-5_A_aem_2vaX8Me6zDqG2_Z5mspr4A)
That performance was stunning, the room was silently witnessing something very special, while cameras and videos were flying about the room recording each moment. Nina Herzog’s mesmerizing vocals only added to the awesomeness of the evening.
Ladd is bringing his Big Band for these special WEDNESDAY Fall Concert Events:
Wednesday, October 9th and November 6th
We hope you’ll join us for all of these special events.
Here’s the potential line-up of musicians:
Mike Nelson, Steve Ragsdale, Brandon Wilkins, Steve Marsh, Keith Bishop, Jon Papenbrook, Brad Steinwehe, Chuck Howe.
Eric Jorgensen, Justin Kirk, Roch Bodenave, George Thatcher.
Dick Weller, Cooper, Apelt, Michael Seaman, and Matt Hornbeck.
Ladd McIntosh – arranger & leader
Nina Herzog, featured vocalist.
Where else can you go to hear big band music like this? We are so honored and grateful to Ladd McIntosh for bringing his Big Band of musicians to Club 507 for your pleasure. (https://www.laddmcintosh.com/page/page/1502978.htm)
Thanks to the Santa Clarita community for supporting this live music and dance venue in the heart of downtown Newhall! Thank you for trusting that the bands we bring in will get you tapping your feet, bobbing your head, and swinging on the dance floor!
Come see what all the excitement is about in Santa Clarita at CLUB 107.
Only $25 entry for this special event. Special Student Discount: $15 (with Student ID)
Doors open at 6:00pm
Full Bar
Safe, lit parking lot
Dance floor
You do not need to be an American Legion member to attend.
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