Biltmore Ball Cancellation
Unfortunately, we are canceling Biltmore Ball due to circumstances that were impossible to predict. Your tickets will be refunded automatically. Please allow 10 days for the refund to come through.
We appreciate everyone who helped us get the word out and shared our excitement for this special event. We look forward to continuing to create inspired events and we really appreciate your understanding for this very disappointing situation.
Thank you again.
Nikki, Mikey, and Shesha
ATOMIC Ballroom
More details on the reasons for the cancelation.
Experience the enchantment of the iconic Biltmore Ball in Downtown Los Angeles at the historic Millennium Biltmore Hotel. Step into the grandeur of the Gold Room, once a nightclub in the 1920s, an opulent ballroom adorned with breathtaking chandeliers, intricate ceilings, and luxurious gold accents. Immerse yourself in the elegance of a bygone era as you dance to live music performed by Lizzy and the Triggermen and the Pino Noir, dressed in glamorous attire reminiscent of the early 20th century. Savor refreshing libations and celebrate the rich cultural heritage of Los Angeles.
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