Old Towne Swing Orange Wednesday
7PM intermediate lesson, 7:45PM beginner lesson, 8PM DJ social dance, $15 with lesson, $10 dance only.
7PM intermediate lesson, 7:45PM beginner lesson, 8PM DJ social dance, $15 with lesson, $10 dance only.
LindyGroove’s Phased Soft Opening.
Swing Dance Social DJ 8:30-11:55PM.
Woody James Legacy Big Band 1-3PM $10 21+ BYOP.
The Moontones 7-11PM $20.
Outdoor Swing dancing with Strada Swing 6-9PM, please tip the musicians and buy food and drinks.
Big Band Alumni 17-piece big band 11:30AM-1:30PM $15.
7PM intermediate lesson, 7:45PM beginner lesson, 8PM DJ social dance, $15 with lesson, $10 dance only.
LindyGroove’s Phased Soft Opening.
Swing Dance Social DJ 8:30-11:55PM.
Woody James Legacy Big Band 1-3PM $10 21+ BYOP.
The Rattle Rollers 7-11PM $20.
Outdoor Swing dancing with live band 6-9PM, please tip the musicians and buy food and drinks.
Big Band Alumni 17-piece big band 11:30AM-1:30PM $15.
7PM intermediate lesson, 7:45PM beginner lesson, 8PM DJ social dance, $15 with lesson, $10 dance only.
LindyGroove’s Phased Soft Opening.
Swing Dance Social DJ 8:30-11:55PM.
Woody James Legacy Big Band 1-3PM $10 21+ BYOP.
Jumpin’ Joz featuring Ashley Anne 7-11PM $20.
Bobby McGee’s Dance Party, 12PM balboa lesson, 12:45-4PM dance, vax and mask required.