
Hangar 24 Irvine Tuesday

Outdoor Swing dancing with live band 6-9PM, please tip the musicians and buy food and drinks.

Knotts Berry Farm Sunday

Jonathan Stout and His Campus Five Feat. Hilary Alexander at the Calico Park Stage 7:30-10PM.

Hangar 24 Irvine Tuesday

Outdoor Swing dancing with live band 6-9PM, please tip the musicians and buy food and drinks.

The Mayflower Club Friday

Big Band Friday (afternoons) with the Woody James Legacy Big Band 1-3PM FREE TODAY ONLY 21+ BYOP.

Knotts Berry Farm Sunday

Jonathan Stout and His Campus Five Feat. Hilary Alexander at the Calico Park Stage 7:30-10PM.

Atomic Ballroom Sunday

Bobby McGee’s Dance Party, 12PM balboa lesson, 12:45-4PM dance, vax and mask required.

Hangar 24 Irvine Tuesday

Nat and her Tiger Four return to Hangar 24 this Tuesday night, the 26th! Come dance, drink, and dine on the beautiful outdoor wooden deck at Hangar 24 in Irvine….