Point Fermin Lighthouse in Point Fermin Park 807 W. Paseo del Mar in San Pedro. December 7th from 6 to 10 PM. Spend and evening dancing under the lights at Point Fermin Lighthouse. This WWII era remembrance of Pearl Harbor Day is sure to be and enjoyable time. Big dance floor with Swing Music! Enjoy the atmosphere while sipping a cup of coffee. No tickets or reservations required. Come dressed to dance! For more info call the lighthouse at 310-241-0684.
From Kristen, the organizer: We will have a DJ with popular Swing Music. We are not charging for the event. We have spent alot of effort on making the lighthouse accessible to everyone during our 150th year celebrations. The lighthouse site has been decorated with thousands of white lights for this anniversary. We thought this would be a great opportunity to expose a new group of Angelinos to our wonderful historic site. If this is well received by the Swing Community we will endeavor to have a live band at our next event!
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