It’s time for our 3rd Annual Swingin’ Soul Night Couples Contest! We will also welcome back guest DJ Dave Frutos and have a FREE Madison line dance lesson, as is our tradition before Camp Hollywood.
We will start off the night with a FREE lesson of the Madison line dance at 8pm. And we will dance all night to the best vintage 50s and 60s Soul and R&B bangers and deep cuts.
**Contest info***This is a couples contest, so find a partner and get ready to strut your stuff. Lindy, West Coast, Carolina Shag, all styles welcome! Trophies and cash for our 1st place winners!
Prelims you will dance to 3 songs (about 90 seconds of each song)
Finalists will dance a 2 minute spotlight to 2 songs. First song will be a slower tempo and the 2nd song a mid/faster tempo.
Contest registration: $20 per couple. Only one partner needs to purchase. Register online or at the door (if available) and collect number bib at the door by 9pm.
7:30pm doors open
8pm Madison line dance lesson
10pm Contest prelims
11:30pm Contest Finals
Dancing til 12:30am!
Pre-sale tickets via Eventbrite
At the door tickets (if available)
No discount for members at this event.
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