Poll: Has Swing Dancing “Recovered” After COVID?
With the return of beloved events like Camp Hollywood and Swing dancing at Clifton’s, Swing dancing seems to have made a major comeback after the COVID shutdown of the past years.
But has Swing dancing fully returned to pre-COVID levels in Los Angeles, Orange County, and Southern California? Is it as popular, and are the crowds as large?
Let me know what you think based on what you are seeing! (This poll has ended now).
Has Swing Dancing fully returned to pre-COVID popularity in Southern California?
- No, it is still significantly less popular now than before COVID (56%, 22 Votes)
- It's almost as popular now as before COVID (33%, 13 Votes)
- It has returned to the same popularity as before COVID (10%, 4 Votes)
- It is actually more popular now than before COVID (0%, 0 Votes)
Total Voters: 39

I’ll publish the results along with further analysis after I get some feedback here!
Please comment below if you have any further opinions! – Brian
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One of the reasons Swing Dancing has not recovered is because of venue requirements to wear a mask and/or show proof of vaccination. It has been obvious for a while that being vaccinated does not mean you can not get Covid. It leads people into a false sense of security of being protected from Covid. With many serious side effects, and new warnings from the FDA regarding the vaccine, many have decided the risk of being vaccinated is not worth it. Many dancers will just stay away until the restrictions are removed, and will go to venues where there are not these types of restrictions. Some venues are doing very while others will wither.
Hi Jim,
That is an interesting point. Yeah, some venues are still vax-only in spite of the government not requiring it. Some that are really strict probably haven’t recovered to pre-COVID levels of attendance.
But, I would only disagree with the statement of “many serious side effects” of the vaccine. Millions of people have received the vaccines with only minor side effects.
Swing Dancing is back, we’ll be playing for a big Swing Dance on Oct 14 at the Moose Lodge in Burbank Ca. Love for all you swing dancers to come out for lessions at 8PM and Dance at 9. Your friends “The Aotmic Roots Orchestra” Johnny, Job, Peter and Eddy.
Awesome, thanks for the info John!