Two Free Outdoor Swing Dance Events You Shouldn’t Miss in December

Back in November 2021, the Big Butter Jazz Band played an awesome gig at Ivy Station near the Venice Metro stop in Culver City. This was a really great event with lots of dancers showing up to picnic, plus a food truck. The good news is there are two more happening in 2021!
What Is Ivy Station?
Ivy Station is a partially-completed retail, commercial and residential development located off of Venice Blvd. If you’ve ever driven down Venice Blvd. in Culver City, you can’t miss it. It’s the huge red and black building on the south side of the street.
Where Is the Concert?
The concert is on the lawn between the two main buildings of Ivy Station. You can’t see it from the street.

Where Do I Park?
Parking is available in the Warner Media parking garage at 8900 Venice Boulevard, Culver City, CA 90232. Look for signs for Warner Visitors and park anywhere that is not indicated as reserved. The elevator or stairs from the garage lead directly into the park.
All-day validation will be provided for all attendees. Look for the staff members roaming the grounds and ask for validation.
Or, even better, take the Metro! The dancing is about a block from the Metro stop!
How Is the Dance Surface?
There is a tile walkway that surprisingly is not that bad to dance on! That’s where you see everyone dancing in the photos on each side of the band. The other walkways are not so good to dance on.
Which Bands and When?
The Big Butter Jazz Band is playing again on Saturday, December 11th, from 1 to 3 PM.
Angel Town Combo will be playing on Saturday, December 18 from 1 to 3 PM.
What Should I Bring?
Bring your picnic gear and lunch, or grab lunch at the food truck (or The Platform across the street), and be ready to dance!
Don’t miss this! More info in the link below. Last time, there was a raffle with some pretty amazing prizes for people who registered on Eventbrite.
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This is happening again in February 2022!