Beginners, learn how to swing dance quickly
If you are a beginner and want to take some kickass swing dance lessons, I suggest checking out the Lindy Academy progressive lessons every Thursday right before Lindy Groove in Pasadena. Why do I recommend these lessons? First, the instructors, Ben and Jasmine, are award-winning awesome swing dancers and have a really fun style. Second, the lessons are right before Lindy Groove, so you’ll get ample opportunity to practice what you’ve learned. (It is very difficult to retain what you have learned without practicing). Finally, since the cost of admission is included, it’s a steal. So, why not start the New Year right and learn something new?
The Lindy Academy is at 7:30PM for the beginner/intermediate class and 8:30PM for the intermediate/advanced class. Cost is $60 for the full series of five classes in January which includes the cost of entry to Lindy Groove! A new series starts the first Thursday of each month!
If you are a beginner/intermediate dancer, I highly recommend these classes! For more info, check out! – Brian
p.s., the Lindy Academy has started posting class videos online! Check out this YouTube channel for all of the class summaries!
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Hey thanks!! We (Lance, Vicky, Sheri, me, and Jasmine) are all very excited about our new endeavor! Thanks for the support and helping us get the word out!