It Was the Last Vintage Rhythm Night, But Maybe Not the Last of the Lindy Loft?

On Friday, July 5th, the last Vintage Rhythm Night was held at Dax Hock and Sarah Breck’s Lindy Loft in Downtown Los Angeles. The sold-out farewell event was headlined by Jonathan Stout’s Grand Slam Sextet and Dave Stuckey and the Hot House Gang.
Less than an hour before opening, a 7.1 magnitude earthquake centered in Ridgecrest rattled the 9th floor Loft, but that didn’t stop the dedicated staff from putting on a great show, or the crowd from enjoying it.
See photos of the event from Photos with Class, and from Jennifer Stockert!
In the end, was a bittersweet event, with lots of great dancers and great music, but also some sadness due to the knowledge that this would be the last one. More on Dax and Sarah’s reasons for ending the Lindy Loft here.
On Sunday, Sarah posted on Facebook that they would be selling almost all of the furniture at the loft:
What’s Next?
Here is a shot from the announcement board at the Loft. Note the Farewell Student Potluck on Sunday July 14th.

But Is It Really the End??
Like many folks, I had assumed from their email that Dax and Sarah would be moving out of the downtown LA Loft. But, they posted this somewhat tantalizing notice at the dance:
If you visit the link, they mention that the Lindy Loft will become the Rhythm Juice Community Center. What that means exactly, I don’t know, but you can sign up to get more details there in the coming weeks.
So it sounds like it’s not the last of the Loft after all! While I’m looking forward to what is coming, I will miss this unique space as a live music swing dance venue.

What did you think of the Lindy Loft? Please comment below! – Brian
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