Why You Need to Learn How to Swing Dance in 2019

Are you making any new year’s resolutions this year? Here are my top reasons why learning how to Swing dance should be at the top of your list in 2018.
1. It’s Insanely Fun
What is your idea of a fun Friday or Saturday night? I guarantee that once you learn how to Swing dance and really “get it”, it will replace whatever you were doing before. You’ll have more fun and meet more people. No alcohol required.
2. It’s Social
As a regular Swing dancer in L.A., I can walk into almost any Swing dance venue here and people will know me. No, people don’t shout my name like Norm walking into Cheers, but I always find someone I know to dance and chat with, and I’m always meeting new people. Swing dancing is a great source of genuine community, something so many lonely people are searching for these days.
3. You Might Find Your Soul Mate
If you polled one of the big Swing dance venues like PBDA or Rusty’s, they could fill the walls with photos of married couples who met there over the years.
Oh, by the way, Swing dancing is for ALL ages. Depending on the venue, I see people in their teens all the way up to folks in their 70’s.
4. It’s Great Exercise
How many evening leisure activities are actually good exercise? Sitting at a bar nursing a beer? Watching a movie? Netflix? Dancing is great exercise. Maybe you can check off two items from your list of resolutions if getting more exercise is on there.
5. It’s Good for Your Brain
I’ll just quote an article from The Alzheimer’s Project, “Can Dancing Make You Smarter?“
Frequent dancing apparently makes us smarter. A major study added to the growing evidence that stimulating one’s mind by dancing can ward off Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia, much as physical exercise can keep the body fit. Dancing also increases cognitive acuity at all ages.
6. The Music Is Amazing
Jazz from the ’20s, ’30s, and ’40s is simply amazing. Once you start listening to it, you’ll be a fan, I guarantee it. I’m encouraged to see so many young people forming bands playing this music so well, ensuring it will live on.
7. The Dance Is Amazing
People ask me if I do other partner dances, and my answer is “not really”. I see the appeal of other dances like Tango, waltz, Salsa, etc., but Swing is my favorite.
Swing is a street dance that originated at the Savoy Ballroom in Harlem. It’s cool but can also be sexy. No, we don’t do aerials when we go social dancing, but they sure are spectacular to see at the contests.
8. You’ll Be Admired
Knowing how to Swing dance is like having a super-power, especially if you get a chance to dance at a wedding or other venue where non-dancers will stare at you in awe. Take my word for it.
One Warning: It’s Addictive
Once you “get it”, Swing dancing can take over your life. When I was starting out, I’d go Swing dancing sometimes four or five nights a week. It will affect how you dress, what friends you have, where you take vacations, and even where you live. It’s that powerful!
Where to Learn
So, warnings aside, there are so many reasons you should learn how to Swing dance! Why not start in 2018?
See my list of my recommended Swing venues and classes in Los Angeles and Orange County.
For a map of Swing venues in Southern California, see my Lindy Map.
Any questions? How has Swing dancing affected your life? Please leave a comment below. – Brian
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Brian’s right.
Twenty years ago exactly, my girlfriend left me for her “true soul mate” ( who turned out to be not so true after all), gave me the crabs, and wished me a merry Christmas all at the same time. That’s when I made the decision to take up lindy swing. For the first time ever I had a social life. I was dancing 7 nights a week. Lots of friends who were just as obsessed as me. Forgot all about movies and TV. I actually had to force myself to stay home one night a week to prevent wearing myself out and getting sick. Just think, any night of the week, you can find yourself in the arms of dozens of lovely and charming dancers. LA is the lindy swing capital of the world. After two and a half years of intensive classes and dancing, it suddenly happened. Swing crawled into my bones and stayed there
And it’s people like Brian and all the swing venue operators, teachers, and band members who make it all possible.
Thank you for sharing your amazing story and for the shout out!!!