Lindy Loft Closing After Five Years of Swing Classes and Dances in DTLA

I was shocked and saddened to learn today that the Lindy Loft will be closing on July 30th.
Dax Hock and Sarah Breck, owners of the Lindy Loft, made the surprise announcement by email this morning. Here it is:
Hello Friend,
This is Dax and Sarah from the Lindy Loft, LA.
After 5 amazing years getting to grow and learn together, it is with great sadness that we announce The Lindy Loft L.A. will be closing July 30th.
While Downtown Los Angeles has given The Loft its unique charm, it has been a challenging environment for us to raise our family and keep our kids healthy. If this is catching you off guard, know it was a very difficult decision for us, but in order to provide a better environment for our children, we have decided to leave Los Angeles.
Since we only have two months left together, please don’t be a stranger! Use this time to get as many group classes & private lessons in as possible! It’s our top priority to help you use up any remaining packages– so the whole team will be opening up their schedules to accommodate. And as always, just email us if you have any scheduling trouble or questions.
For those of you who haven’t been to the loft in a while, we would love to see you in class, at our upcoming student events & our final Vintage Rhythm send off! If you’re not already on our mailing list or a member of the Lindy Loft Student Facebook Group, be sure to join for all the updates & details.
While the Lindy Loft is coming to a close, new opportunities to learn from us (Dax and Sarah) are opening. We are going to focus 100% on our online swing dance academy and plan on giving Lindy Loft clients the opportunity to lock in a lifetime discount for our new version of Rhythm Juice. We are going to be offering new online programs for each style, certification, coaching, live Q&A sessions, a private Facebook community, and our annual live summit!! In addition to Rhythm Juice, we will be offering periodic weekend workshops & private lessons here in town to connect with our students in LA. More details on this will be posted soon.
If you’ve been keeping tabs on our amazing studio manager/teacher, Ashley, you may have noticed she has been traveling and teaching in new cities more and more frequently. (HELL YES!) In the next year or two, she also plans on leaving LA to pursue her dream of being a traveling dance teacher. In the meanwhile, she looks forward to dancing with everyone at the regular LA social dancing haunts as well as at camps all around the state/country/globe! She says, “There aren’t words to properly express how much the Loft means to me so I will leave it at this: I love you folx, you’ve helped me become who I am and I will never forget the beautiful dances, hilarious moments, sweaty classes & wonderful experiences I have had with everyone here.”
We sincerely appreciate your support and understanding as we make this major life transition. We will cherish our memories of the Lindy Loft and are so grateful for all the amazing friendships we have made over the years.
Keep Swingin’,
Dax & Sarah
I really enjoyed dancing at the Lindy Loft, and felt it had an important place in the Los Angeles Swing dance community, being that it is located right in the center of Downtown L.A. Undoubtedly, it brought in lots of new dancers into the scene, and lots of joy to existing dancers like me. I’m really bummed it’s closing!
Jennifer Stockert posted a public Facebook photo gallery which I think really captures the energy and joy of this place.
If you’re a student of the Lindy Loft, you should try to get your lessons in before July 30th.
The email also mentions one last Vintage Rhythm Night, which will be on July 5th at 9PM. The Facebook event for it is private; the organizers wanted to make sure to reach the dancers and true fans of the Loft first.
UPDATE: The July 5th event is officially sold out now!
What are your thoughts on the closing of the Lindy Loft? What memories do you have there? Please comment below. – Brian
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What a shame…being Australian and coming over in September..we were looking forward to coming to your class while in LA….Good luck with your future adventures..