Will PBDA Have Swing Dancing Again?

The Pasadena Ballroom Dance Association has been giving dance lessons since 1983. Sisters Erin and Tami Stevens have taught thousands of people how to swing dance (including me!)
So, as the pandemic dragged on, I was wondering how PBDA and our other beloved Swing dance venues in Los Angeles were doing and whether they would return.
Today, PBDA sent out an email titled “A quick shout-out from PBDA” that answers these questions! Tami gave me permission to share it on this site.
First, they answered the question, “how is the Stevens family doing?”:
Hello from PBDA! We just thought it was time we sent a note to say that we’re all well and good, and still hoping to get back to dancing before too much longer! We’re sure missing everyone, as we keep busy ourselves helping our children, and grandchildren with their zoom classes, and homework.
I was relieved to hear they were OK. I was also wondering how they were doing financially. Few businesses can survive being shut down for months at a time. Here’s what they said:
Our family has also long been in the antiques business, and in this interim from dancing we’ve focused our attention on retail projects and hosting online auctions.
I was glad to hear they had another source of revenue. Of course, I was also wondering if Swing dancing would ever return to Pasadena with PBDA:
But we are eager to get back to group classes, and eager to Dance again with all of you, so don’t forget us! We’ll let you know as soon as we get back at it!
Kindest regards to all of you!
So there you have it! PBDA will return when the pandemic is over!
All of this was great to hear. I’m glad Erin and Tami are well. Although there’s no Swing dancing now, I’m looking forward to the day when we can all get out there and dance safely again.
Let me know what you think! Please leave a comment below. – Brian
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Swing dancing at the Carrillo Rec Center will NOT begin again until the pandemic is over. I’ve even stopped privates until that happens. Which means I’ve zero income and that sucks. Please stay safe, and practice all the safety recommendations of the CDC. And VOTE!
Thanks for sharing the news about our dear friends at PBDA. Dancing is vital to our well being – music, touch, movement, connection on the most basic human level. This is what feeds the soul – especially for people who live alone. Please let’s keep our focus on mental and physical health during this lockdown. It is as important as everything else. WE NEED TO DANCE AGAIN ASAP !!
This is John from Dance in the Park Long Beach. I love dancing as much as the next person All the different dance venues served a purpose to have fun and get good exercise. It’s now time that we lean to help our fellow man and woman out and seek out those in need with things such as helping people on the verge of being evicted, or food, keeping the lights on. That’s what’s really important rather than dance venues that a closed for now. During this time, let’s work together to seek what resources that we have or know of for those in need. I’m starting in my own neighborhood here in Long Beach. If anyone would like to help, please let me know.